Our Mission
To provide information and support to the community of Potterne whilst offering a service to all its visitors. The information on this site is a community resource and should be used as such, although copyright restrictions do apply, we would like to see the information and pictures used to benefit the village and community as much as possible - so please ask us!

All photographs on this website have been reduced in size and quality to enable faster (approx 15x) download/viewing time to visitors. Obviously we won't send them to anybody but we can send high quality copies to people with genuine requests, please contact us via email below.

Network Profile
The Information network has been set up by local enthusiasts to promote Information Technology within Potterne. We have a degree of knowledge but are always willing to listen to other's views on how to get our message across. This venture has been enabled through a grant from the Kennet District Council.

Contact Information
Use this form to contact us:


Email (if you have one, we can't reply without it!)
